Sunday, June 12, 2016

Complete Collection of Historic Game of Thrones: Race Dothraki

From the important position of horses in their culture, it's no surprise that the Dothraki gods worshiped named Great Stallion (Horse Great). The old lady is the head Dosh khaleen the land of the Dothraki. Their religion except sorcery all the "blood magic". So "maegi" (the practice sorceress "blood magic") has always been odious and hated by the Dothraki.
Dothraki warriors are a nomadic race in Essos, continent located east of Westeros, across the Narrow Sea. They live in a central plains of Essos, known under the name Dothraki Sea (Sea Dothraki) The Dothraki warriors often called "princess horse", or "the scream" by intense sound that they create the battle. Race relations are inextricably linked with the horses, that people often say that the Dothraki born, fought, and died on horseback. In this part of the series "Complete Collection of Historic Game of Thrones", we will learn more about the lifestyle and customs of this race:

Dothraki people wipe out much of the central plains of the continent Essos, looting, destruction of other races to occupy land and wealth. For them, the horse is the "mascot" symbol, even the name of their own language derived from these animals, "Dothraki" is literally "horsemen". Dothraki boys learn archery on horseback when he was only 4 years old. Even the leader of the tribe, if due to sickness or injury that can not ride well will be left.
Dothraki race is divided into several unnamed tribe called - khalasar, is led by a single chief - Khal. The Dothraki Sea khalasar rampage, constantly moving to find plains and target new looting. They frequently attack neighboring territories, as Lhazar in the southeast and west of the Free Cities. Dothraki people feed themselves by taking away what they need, including staples, expensive possessions, and the prisoners to serve them as slaves. For this race, want to be respected, you have to have strength enough to fight them, while surrendering slaves would deserve only contempt. Dothraki people often pay little attention to the ground forces (foreign maintenance Unsullied elite army).
Traditional weapons of the Dothraki are crescent-shaped sword with the name arakhs, besides they are also equipped with daggers, whips, traps or recurved bow with large size to generate power shot powerful and very far distance, could shooting from horseback. They are "stigmatized" armor, so that the speed and the freedom of movement are more important factor when fighting. Dothraki warriors have adopted the custom of long hair braided into pigtails and, just when they were defeated, a new braid is cut away to show everyone that shame. Therefore, the most mighty warrior has a long braid, as Khal Drogo hair touched until waist, meant that he had never ever been defeated.
Like the light cavalry, they attacked speedy entrance and critical, but relatively easy in the face with the archers; on the ground, the Dothraki warriors also less efficient than heavy infantry wore armor for its speed advantage. However, very rarely do they leave their horses to battle, unless the duel, so maintaining his advantage in battle.
Dothraki the only city named Vaes Dothrak, located in the remote northeast Dothraki Sea, ruled by Dosh Khaleen, the elderly widow Wise, former wife of the Khal. The entire exchange activities, trade of goods Dothraki (the Dothraki tribe together, or with other Essos traders) are taking place in the market in the city, all the sacred rites were carried operating here. Withdrawal of weapons or prohibited blood shed within Vaes Dothrak - however, there are holes around the legislation. Suppose if there is a forced execution took place, the victims could "go" method that does not shed blood (such as hanging or cremation).
Dothraki people are "afraid" want salty sea water, because their horses can not drink them. In their language, the word "ocean" meaning literally "water poisoning". Also so that they never got into a boat to cross the ocean. So people do not consider Dothraki Westeros is a danger, so thought they would never cross the Narrow Sea to invade the continent. However, as we have seen on film, Drogo had been ready to go attack the Seven Kingdom after furious plot to assassinate Daenerys before. The rest of khalasar of Daenerys (about 100 people Dothraki) has faithfully followed his khaleesi through Slave to Astapor Bay, and therefore not used to sail so many people got sick.
Dothraki people thought to be "do not believe in money", instead they get what they want through the looting (then enslave their captives). The only two resources they have on the field in Dothraki Sea is thousands of miles consecutive green grass along with countless horses. Since humans can not eat grass, so the main food of the Dothraki horse meat and fermented horse milk.
These materials or precious assets they have been plundered from the neighboring countries such as the Free Cities, Slaver'Bay, or Lhazar, can even be robbed in "secondhand" from the other Dothraki tribe . Dothraki people not to engage in activities to exchange resources, which only enhanced the sewer material gifts like other tribes to show their respect. Since ancient times, the people of the Free Cities had decided that the Dothraki will tribute a large amount of gold, and slaves materials instead of trying to fight them, because such support was "costly" than.
However, they can still be attacked and looting as often if the Dothraki for that do not deserve their tributes, or simply to ... exercise. Dothraki people will not respond to the "gift" immediately follow the tradition of "quid pro quo". However, make sure they will keep their promise and responded with "gift" other, even if they only do so when the time that is convenient.
Complete Collection of Historic Game of Thrones: Race Dothraki
But there are also things that the Dothraki tribe can not get directly through looting as new armor and weapons. On this account, they had to "trade up" by "gifts" they captured slaves to obtain finished goods from the Free Cities or Slaver'Bay.
From the important position of horses in their culture, it's no surprise that the Dothraki gods worshiped named Great Stallion (Horse Great). The old lady is the head Dosh khaleen the land of the Dothraki. Their religion except sorcery all the "blood magic". So "maegi" (the practice sorceress "blood magic") has always been odious and hated by the Dothraki.
Dothraki people have their own language, totally different than the vernacular in Westeros. In which no words "thank you" in their language.
Some key terms of the Dothraki:
- Dosh khaleen - her old council. Khal widow of the deceased, took control of the city of Vaes Dothrak Dothraki. They are the wisest woman, religious leaders Dothraki.
Complete Collection of Historic Game of Thrones: Race Dothraki
- Dothraki - literally means "men riding horses". Only one person called Dothrak Dothraki horse riding, also Dothraki is plural.
- Khal - Chief Dothraki
- Khaleesi - The wife of Khal
- Khalasar - A Dothraki tribe or clan, led by Khal
- Ko - Kos is the replacement for Khal, commanding a small branch of khalasar. When Khal dead, can not try to be the new Khal, or separation of his entourage into a new khalasar smaller scale.
- Dotharkhqoyi - literally "Warrior Blood" - who brought the oath used his life to serve Khal. Khal and the "Warrior Blood" her call each Qoy Qoyi ( "Blood of my blood").
- Me nem NESA - "What everyone knows."

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